Decorative Items | Art Nouveau & Art Deco | Other | номер акции: 11845

Нереставрированная лошадка-качалка Leeway

Stock No.11845

An un-restored Patterson Edwards 'Leeway' of London dapple grey rocking horse on a pine & beechwood cradle and complete with a stud saddle, reins and stirrups. A label bearing the brand name 'Leeway' can be seen to the back of the upper stand. Rocking horses by this maker are easily identified by the general shape of the body, rather large hooves, the shape of the mouth and square stand columns. Leeway made this particular model between 1890 to 1947 a/f.
English, 1920's.


Listed Price: £800 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
51 78"
131.7 cms
40 78"
104 cms
15 1116"
40 cms

Link to: decorative antiques and furnishings

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