Decorative Items | Victorian | Other | номер акции: 12880

Коробка с коллекцией биглей в викторианском стиле RSPCA

Stock No.12880

A delightful, early and rare Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA) charity collection box of a dog painted brown and seated on a green painted base. The dog looks to be carved in resin. A collection box hangs around his neck bearing the words 'The RSPCA Invites Your Support' and the green base states that 'A coin will ring the bell'. Happily the bell still rings when you drop a coin in the box. These collection boxes would have stood in doorways of shops to catch the eye of passers by.
English, late 19th century.

Notes: The Charity was founded in 1824 in a London coffee shop. It was the world's first animal welfare charity. and was originally called the SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Royal patronage followed in 1837 and Queen Victoria gave permission to add the royal R in 1840, making it the RSPCA as it is known worldwide today.


Listed Price: £1,800 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
16 18"
41 cms
30 1116"
78 cms
26 1316"
68 cms

Link to: decorative antiques and furnishings

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