Decorative Items | Neo Classical | Sculpture and Carving | номер акции: 13629

Мраморная доска Nike Богини Победы

Stock No.13629

A large marble plaque, or chimneypiece tablet, depicting the winged Nike, Greek Goddess of Victory, driving a chariot pulled by team of powerful horses. She is attended by a pair of winged cherubic attendants and a hunting dog can be seen running alongside the horses. English, late 19th century.

Notes: The Greek goddess Nike personified Victory. She was the daughter of the Titan Pallas and the goddess Styx and a close companion of Zeus. She took on the role of the divine charioteer and flew around battlefields rewarding the victors with glory and fame, symbolized by a wreath of laurel leaves.


Listed Price: £3,600 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
68.5 cms
14 38"
36.5 cms
2 316"
5.5 cms

Link to: Antique sculptures, carvings, bronzes, plaques and tablets

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