Chimneypieces | Renaissance | номер акции: 10837


Stock No.10837

A very large and dramatically carved oak 19th century Chimneypiece in the 16th century Venetian Renaissance manner. The massive structure stands on full length oblong white veined Rouge de Rance red marble footblocks with substantial moulded ingrounds in the same marble above a hearth inlaid with St Annes marble panels. The overall concept and decoration is very much in the tradition of the architecture and Caminos to be found in the Palazzo Ducale in St Marks Square in Venice and somewhat in the manner of a design by Giulio Romano. See images below. Italian, mid 19th century.

INTRIGUING PROVENANCE : Ashley Manor, Myrtle Grove,County Waterford in the Irish Republic, until recently a Convent… The property is the original 15th century preferred comfortable windowed house lived in by Sir Walter Raleigh and is owned by Lord Swarsbrick near the Duke of Devonshires estate..Lismore castle which was Raleighs Official residence being 10 miles away. Raleigh, who founded the first English colony at Roanoake in Virginia brought the potato back and it was first planted here, also the fabled instance when a servant threw a jug of water over him when he was smoking happened in Ashley Manor.

width height depth
External 107 14"
272.6 cms
117 12"
298.5 cms
32 1116"
83 cms
Internal,marble. 55 78"
142 cms
50 1316"
129 cms

Link to: Antique Renaissance, Gothic Tudor Fireplace mantels and Chimneypieces: 1260 - 1600 Baroque fireplaces

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