Chimneypieces | Baroque | номер акции: 8899

Античный Chimneypiece барокко в Marmo Nembro Verdello Мраморный

Антикварный Marmo Nembro Verdello Мраморный Chimneypiece, в трех секциях, в стиле итальянского барокко. Середине 20-го века реплики.

Stock No.8899

A replica Italian Baroque Marble fireplace carved out of the solid in Marmo Nembro Verdello. Three sections, bolection in form, the shelf and frieze carved in one integral section.
Late 20th century replica of the 17th century stone original.


Listed Price: £5,300 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
External 70 12"
179 cms
50 12"
128.3 cms
6 12"
16.5 cms
Internal 54 12"
138.5 cms
40 58"
103 cms

Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

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